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The Importance of Stretching

Many of us at some point in time have either heard of stretching, stretched ourselves, or have had manual stretching done by a professional. However it still leaves the question of “Why is stretching so important?”. For us to better understand that we must first understand and have knowledge of what “Stretching” actually is.

By definition stretching is, “a form of physical exercise in which a specific muscle or tendon is deliberately expanded and flexed in order to improve the muscle's felt elasticity and achieve comfortable muscle tone.” In simple terms stretching is the process of elongating our muscles and or tendons to improve our flexibility.

So why is that so important to our physical well beings? Well according to Harvard Health, on average humans will sit on average for about 10 hours a day. This puts an incredible strain on our hamstrings as well as our hip flexors.Which many people complain about low back pain and or hip pain. These muscles are all directly connected to either our back and or other connecting muscles. This could go for any activity, sleeping, crouching, the horrible posture positions are endless as well as the muscles involved in keeping us in them. 

When our muscles are constantly over used they become as the common word we know “Tight” There are several ways which we can fix this. Massage, trigger point, and even stretching which is the most easily accessed by anyone anywhere. 

So what exactly are the benefits of stretching? 

  • Improved physical performance
  • Improvement in posture
  • Better Sleep
  • Increased blood flow
  • Help joint movement and range of motion
  • Decrease risk of injury
  • Stress management

The best part is stretching only requires 5-20 minutes everyday, and over a several week period one will start to notice an increase in range of motion as well as the elasticity of their body. With the plethora of stretches one is able to do, the ability for anyone of any age, strength, or weight is able to perform and execute several of these!

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